UPDATE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, has extended the full closure of Highway T15 across Red Rock Dam until 3 p.m. on Friday, June 30, pending a successful strength test for the recently placed concrete. The road closure is necessary to allow for proper concrete curing and installation of a roadway hatch on the newly repaired bridge deck.
KNIA/KRLS reported this morning the closure ended Thursday — that is no longer the case. The previous story was based on the latest information as of Wednesday at 6 a.m.
A single-lane road closure to Highway T15 across the Red Rock Dam will begin July 6. It is anticipated that single-lane closures will only be in effect Monday through Friday each week, with the road fully open to traffic on the weekends.
Starting July 12, a full road closure over Red Rock Dam is scheduled and will last through approximately July 14. During that time, a detour will be in place. Additional partial and full road closures may be needed through 2024 for rehabilitation projects on the dam.