
A frequently published local author is sharing her own experiences about enjoying life after retirement. Carol Van Klompenburg has written Creative Aging: 52 Ways to Add Life to Your Years, which originated with news articles she had written highlighting how to enjoy those times. Van Klompenburg says beyond her own anecdotes, she added research about how to enhance life beyond the retirement age.

“Writing is such a part of who I am — I don’t think I’ll ever quit doing it,” she says. “It’s sort of how can see what I think until I see what I say? Writing is a way for me to work things out, it’s a way for me to discover — and it’s a part of who I am. I’ve played with words and worked with words all my life.”

The book is available on Amazon and will be soon at Pella Books locally. Hear more about her latest book on today’s Let’s Talk Pella.