
A local teenage girl will be representing Knoxville at the National All American Pageant later this year. 


In June, incoming high school freshman Abi Vander Linden competed at the National American Miss Pageant in Des Moines, where she won several awards. This was Abi’s first ever beauty competition and she won first place in the Spirit of Pageantry division. Abi also received second runner up overall for the entire pageant. Abi said the process of being involved with her first beauty pageant started with a letter in the mail. 


“I’ve always seen pageants everywhere and I thought they would be really fun, and then one day in the mail we got a letter that was an invitation to an open call and we decided to go and then I made it as a state qualifier to go to the pageant and so I went to the pageant and we kind of went head first into it, did almost everything, and I ended up getting second runner up, winning a couple of optional contest, and winning the spirit of pageantry award.”  


Abi’s mother Nicole Vander Linden said it has been really fun to watch her daughter grow throughout this experience and see the friendships she has made along the way. Abi won a fitness award and was first runner up for the talent award at her recent pageant in Des Moines. Her father was able to accompany her in the formal wear category of the competition. 


In November, Abi will represent her community as National American Miss Knoxville in Orlando, Florida. Hear more about the experience on an upcoming Let’s Talk Knoxville.