The Pella City Council will once again have a meeting focused on discussion this evening. A policy and planning session will be held to discuss changes to Iowa’s property taxes made by the legislature this past session, an update about Pella Ambulance service outside of the city limits, and proposed designs for renovation of the Pella Community Center. During regular business, council will hold a public hearing for a rezoning application at 112 East Third Street from industrial to commercial, and consider resolutions to consent to the placement of wireless support structures next to a park and residential lots, and approve the revised personnel policy manual; both topics were recently discussed at council meetings during policy and planning. The council will also review a change order to the 2022 sidewalk repair project, consider accepting a real estate gift from RDP Holdings, and discuss and take action on permanent and temporary easements for recently completed infrastructure projects. The Pella City Council meeting begins at 6:00 this evening in the Pella Public Safety Complex, and can be heard online here.