The Knoxville Rotary Club’s annual pancake breakfast fundraiser will kick off next Wednesday.
This event, which is held at the Knoxville National Guard Armory, will run through August 12th and starts at 6:00am daily. The Knoxville Rotary Club partners with the National Guard and the women of the First United Methodist Church to hold the pancake breakfast. Knoxville Rotary Co-President Jake Hughes says they are always looking for volunteers for their biggest fundraiser of the year.
“For volunteers, we will be looking for two shifts. There’s usually an early morning and a later morning shift. A little bit of set up in the morning, and a little bit of clean up in the afternoon, but if anyone is interested feel free to reach out to me to get signed up for that.”
Hear more about the Knoxville Rotary Club and other events they have throughout the year on today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.