
The Twin Cedars Football Squad was stymied at every turn on Friday in the Sabers season opener against Colo-NESCO 74-8. The Royals scored early and often building a 44-0 lead by halftime invoking the running clock for the entire 2nd half. The Sabers did get on the board in the 4th quarter when Holden Roberts picked off a fumble and rambled 40 yards the other way for the score. Coach Cam Parker told KNIA/KRLS Sports it was not the way he wanted to see the season start, but with several players out of the line up it was a makeshift unit.

Parker: “Not good for us, we had about 8 of our 24 out for us, one of our players was hurt on the first play and saw a lot of good things, just need to clean up several things going into the next game with Lamoni.”

Roberts led the Sabers in receiving catching five passes for 39 yards. Dallas Smith was 9/24 for 59 yards and three interceptions. The Sabers begin the season 0-1 and will travel to Lamoni next week.

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