Property owners and residents of South K Street in Indianola are encouraged to attend an open house meeting tomorrow regarding the upcoming paving project and special assessment.
City Manager Ben Reeves tells KNIA News the road is used by many commuters who are traveling to the city and dust control is a big issue, and the city wants to make the process as open and as fair as possible.
“It’s a really challenging situatio
n for us. We want to make sure we are respectful to the budgets that were put in place pre-covid, and we want to make sure we are doing things and investing in such a way that we are getting the best bang for the buck in a long-term investment. And we are trying to do it in the most fair approach possible. Not only to those who have been assessed in the past on older street projects, but we also have another seven miles in town that are still gravel that will need to be paved in the future. So we want to make sure there is equal and fair treatment under the law.”
There will be a short presentation regarding the project, followed by an open house to discuss the project one-on-one with homeowners. The meeting will be tomorrow from 6-7pm at the Indianola Activity Center.