
Marion County Bank has announced donations for their ongoing Report Card Debit Card Rewards Program. This year’s total was $76,761.08, split between all districts in Marion County and surrounding communities, as chosen by card users. Marion County Bank launched the effort in 2007 and has donated $423,255.67 to local schools to date. The Report Card allows debit card customers to support one of 15 local schools. With every swipe of a Marion County Bank debit card, they will make a donation to the school of the user’s choice.

“As a community bank we feel strongly about ways we can invest in our communities, and our Report Card Program is one of the great examples of how we support our schools,” said Steve Kraayenbrink, President and CEO. “It’s very rewarding as we partner with our customers to watch this program grow and see the positive impact it has made for our schools over the past 16 years.”

Along with the donation checks, each school building in Pella, Pella Christian, Knoxville and Melcher-Dallas school systems received a Report Card Program cake to celebrate the annual donation and show appreciation to the teachers and staff as they prepare to start the 2023-2024 school year.