
“The Well” of Knoxville aims to provide hope and support to community members who struggle with obstacles in their life. 

Many people know of The Well for their thrift store but they offer far more than that for the local community. The Well is a Christian community organization that collaborates with local resources, nonprofits, businesses, churches, and foundations interested in more effectively ministering to those in need in the area. 

With locations in Knoxville, Pella, Fairfield, and Des Moines the goal of The Well is to break dependencies, break the hold that poverty has on people, and equip and empower them to not only change their own life but to change their families lives as well. 

Knoxville Resource Center Director Larissa Van Donselaar mentioned that they want to provide stability to individuals hit with life’s barriers.

“Our goal is to walk with them. It’s to walk with people to help provide stability and facilitate stability but it’s for the long term. It’s through transformation so next month maybe they’re not looking at what they lacked this month and they have all of these cool steps and great steps to move forward.”

The Well is always in need of volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering for this ministry you can visit their website at https://thewelliowa.org/ . Hear more about The Well from Van Donselaar on an upcoming Let’s Talk Knoxville.