The Knoxville Community School District has set the homecoming parade route.
The parade will take place on Friday and start at 3:00 pm. The parade route and staging area will be closed off starting at 2:20 pm, so plan an alternative route when driving. The parade route including the staging area and barricaded roads will start just east of Ken Locke Stadium and continue east on Main Street. It will then head south for one block on S 4th Street, and then head west on Robinson Street back to Ken Locke. The actual parade will start in front of Peace Tree Brewing and end on the intersection of Robinson and S Roche Street.
Knoxville Student Senate Sponsor Rhonda Douglas said the parade is an exciting way to bring the school and community together.
“It’s exciting because we have quite a few community members in the parade with us and then of course the communities that come out to support all of their kids and then the alumni. Everyone is involved in this.”
This year’s Knoxville Homecoming will be a celebration of the 85th anniversary of Ken Locke Stadium.