The Knoxville City Council and School Board held a discussion regarding the old middle school property at their meeting Monday night.
The property, which is at 102 N. Lincoln St., is the site of the old Knoxville Middle School and is the home to the bus barn for the school district. The city council and school board are aiming for a potential partnership for the city to be able to use the property to build a new building, which would be home to city hall, the fire station, and police department. The council stated that the current city facilities need updating. At the meeting, the school board made it clear they are ready to move forward with the property, but the council agreed that they still have some things to iron out.
The old middle school will eventually be torn down, and the school district and city are hoping to both be able to use the property in the future. At the meeting, some citizens gave their input and expressed concerns about the project. There was no action taken and it was merely a discussion between the council, school board, and the community. Also at the meeting, the council approved a resolution to guarantee local match for the Central Iowa Housing Trust Fund.