
The KNIA/KRLS Home Shopping Extravaganza returns tomorrow for the first of a three-day run. 

Participants can call the studios and purchase items from local businesses and those around the Midwest at discounted prices, including gift certificates at restaurants and retailers, car services, hotel stays, entertainment, and more. Hours for the KNIA/KRLS Home Shopping Extravaganza will be from 10 a.m. until noon and 1 to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday. KNIA/KRLS Sales Manager Trevor Castle has been involved in the Home Shopping Extravaganza for around 20 years, and says that it’s a great event for all parties.

“It’s one of those win, win, win situations. It is a revenue generator for the radio station, our clients get advertising and get customers to try out their business, and our listeners get a discount on things that they either use on a regular basis or things that they want to try out that they’ve never done before. So, it’s a great opportunity for our listeners to save some money and maybe try out some new businesses that you’ve never used before.”

For a full list of merchandise and phone numbers to call go to KNIAKRLS.com and click on the Home Shopping Extravaganza banner.