The Knoxville Fire Department will hold a fire prevention week open house on Wednesday, October 11th.
The event, which will be held at the fire station, is a way to help the community stay aware of different fire hazards they may encounter. There will be a chili feed, bounce houses, smoke trailer, sprinkler system informational booth, and a visit from Crisis Canines of the Midlands. The theme for this year’s fire prevention week is kitchen fire safety. Knoxville Fire Chief Cal Wyman said that Fire Prevention Week is a way to spread the message about fire safety.
“The second week of October is always Fire Prevention Week. It is dated back to the great Chicago fire. It is a week we try to get out to the schools, and all the youth groups and just spread the fire safety message.”
The open house will be from 4:00-6:00 pm on October 11th. Hear more from Chief Wyman on an upcoming Let’s Talk Knoxville.