The Warren County Board of Supervisors meet in a series of special sessions today. The board will first meet in a work session to receive an update from WeLIFT and other community resources, and discussions regarding property usage parameters, Administration Building tree removal, a letter to property owners adjacent to County property on Iowa/Stephens Court, CICS Supervisory Advisory Committee appointments, and funds for Administration Building Project.
After the work session, the board will have a meeting with department heads to discuss county policies, a handbook committee, a county-wide newsletter, and purchasing.
The board will then meet in closed session to discuss the purchase or sale of real estate, and strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent.
After the closed session the board will meet in special session to consider funds for the cost assessment on the Administration Building remodel, modifying the County Property Use Permit, the Employee Handbook Committee, building a county-wide email list of property owners to send a county-wide newsletter and mailing, and the benefits renewal package.
The initial work session begins at 9am in the boardroom of the Warren County Administration Building, with all meetings taking place in succession.