The Pella City Council will primarily discuss the city’s long term facilities plan at their meeting today. But before the policy and planning session focusing on renovations to the community center and a possible new rec center takes place, the council will hold a public hearing to rezone a portion of land near the intersection of Oskaloosa Street and Eagle Lane to light industrial. Also, five other resolutions are on the agenda, which include a preliminary plat for the corridor business park subdivision, acceptance of public improvements for Prairie Street improvements, an amended job classification and wage scale for city employees, an engineering services agreement with Garden and Associates for a back-to-brick project along Broadway Street, and an architectural and engineering contract with Klingner and Associates for the 215 Main Street Remodeling Project.
During a policy and planning session following regular business, the council will receive an extensive update about the Pella Community Center and new indoor recreation facility proposals.
The Pella City Council meeting begins at 6:00 this evening in the Pella Public Safety Complex, and can also be heard online here. https://join.me/CityofPella