
Twin Cedars Schools is nearing the end of their elementary playground project.

As part of the project, Twin Cedars built two new playgrounds. Twin Cedars Superintendent Scott Bridges says that the playground designed for preschool through first grade students is complete and is a significant upgrade.

“We built an early childhood playground and that one was completed over the summer, and it has an all weather surface on it. It’s not just a safety surface, it’s not rubber pellets, it’s actually a spongy rubber surface that’s solid, which is a large upgrade to what we had. And the kids, when they get out there, they’re just having a great time on it. ”

Bridges added that the playground for 2nd through 6th grade students is built but they are waiting for a few supplies to complete the project. 

“That one won’t have the solid rubber surface. It will have rubber pellets and the playground’s ready to go we’re just waiting on those rubber pellets to show up so that we can spread them out and it’s safe for kids to play on. And it’s a substantial playground. There’s a lot more to that playground then what they had in the past.”

Hear more from Scott Bridges on an upcoming In Touch with South Central Iowa.