
The Knoxville Chamber of Commerce is looking to fill five board positions in 2024.

The Chamber is looking for motivated, business-minded people. Interested candidates must be a current Knoxville Chamber of Commerce member in good standing. Nominations will be collected until Wednesday, October 25th and ballots will be sent to members in December for a vote. Nomination forms and a board member description can be picked up at the Knoxville Chamber of Commerce Office. 

The board also recently changed their by-laws to have a seven member board instead of the current nine. Knoxville Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Nathan Sage says there’s plenty of excitement around the Knoxville Chamber of Commerce. 

“It’s an exciting time in Knoxville, and an exciting time to be a part of a chamber with all the new changes and things we’re doing. We’re hoping we can grab some people who have that energy and excitement to be a part of the board and be a part of  what we’re doing. Looking Forward to 2024.”

If you are looking for more information about the Knoxville Chamber of Commerce you can email Nathan at