
Iowa resident early muzzleloader deer season kicked off on Saturday and will last until Sunday, October 22nd.

This season runs concurrently with the early bow season which started on October 1st, and will last until December 1st. Marion County is one of the most populous deer hunting counties in Iowa, and according to the Iowa DNR,as  of 2022 Marion County had the 15th most deer harvested out of the 99 counties, totalling 1,950. To hunt deer you need to have completed an approved hunter safety course, have a valid hunting license and habitat fee, and be able to physically operate a firearm or bow in a safe manner. 

Deer hunting hours are half an hour before sun up and half an hour after sun down. With so many hunters active this time of year it is crucial to always be dressed in some blaze orange clothing so others can spot you. For a complete list of Iowa deer hunting regulations you can follow this link