
The Central RED Society will present “Iowa’s Natural Heritage – Protecting and Restoring Our Land, Water and Wildlife,” with Abby Terpstra, director of philanthropy for the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation, Wednesday, Nov. 8.

Lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m. with the presentation beginning at noon in the Dave ’61 and Ardie Sutphen ’64 Common Room, Graham Annex, on Central’s campus. The cost is $10 and membership in Central RED is required to attend.

The Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation has been working to protect and create special places for people to connect with nature, for wildlife to thrive and for the betterment of soil and water since 1979. Participants will learn about the impact of the nonprofit’s work on Iowa parks, trails and wildlife areas and how individuals can be involved through volunteerism, private protection, membership and advocacy.

Terpstra has served the organization since 2016. She is an Iowa native and a graduate of Northland College with a degree in outdoor education. Terpstra works with conservation-minded people who want to donate or protect the land they own.

Central RED (Ready to Engage and Discover) is a volunteer-driven, lifelong learning and social organization with an abiding partnership with Central alumni and friends who wish to share knowledge, talents and experiences. Members pay $20 annually to join Central RED.

No affiliation with Central is required to join. For more information, visit www.central.edu/red or contact Mary Benedict by email benedictm@central.edu or phone at 641-628-7641.