Tonight is Beggars Night for the Knoxville Community.
The annual celebration involving dressing up and trick or treating will be held from 6:00-8:00 pm tonight in Knoxville. Some helpful reminders for Beggars Night, according to the Knoxville Police Department, are to make sure costumes are fire resistant, check that a costume doesn’t pose a tripping hazard, and try to choose a light colored costume to make sure children are visible to motorists. If the costume is dark, consider adding reflective tape, and using glow sticks or flashlights.
If you are out driving tonight, remember to slow down, and watch for kids to cross in areas where you wouldn’t normally expect them to cross. Children get excited to hurry to the next house and don’t always think about traffic so it is important to not be a distracted driver. Knoxville Police Department Community Service Officer Meredith Clark encourages trick or treaters to stay in groups.
“If you do plan to go trick or treating with your children, remind them to stay with you and your group at all times. If you have older kids who will be going without supervision, make sure they have a buddy going with them, and discuss their route ahead of time. If they have a cell phone make sure it is charged ahead of time in case they get separated from their group.”
The Knoxville Police Department also wants parents reminded to check their child’s candy before eating it to make sure it is safe and age appropriate. Tune into a special Halloween edition of Let’s Talk Knoxville today.