
The final project from the November 2021 bond issue approved by the vast majority of Pella school district voters was given the go-ahead at this week’s Pella School Board meeting.

A $5.4 million contract including multiple bids was approved on Monday, which includes new bleachers and a press box, as well as expanded restrooms, concrete, and lighting. Superintendent Greg Ebeling says the measure is the final step in what has become $56 million in construction and renovations first approved by 78% of voters two years ago.

Ebeling says the initial plan was for $40 million in voter approved bonds to be supplemented by $11 million in sales tax revenue, but the latter increased for multiple reasons as various contracts were approved. The November 2021 proposal included new tennis courts at Caldwell Park, HVAC and gymnasium updates at Pella High School, a new Early Childhood Learning Center, a classroom connector between Jefferson Intermediate and Pella Middle School, and the stadium upgrades approved this week.

The most recent addition will begin with demolition over the winter and new construction this coming spring, which will alter many activities’ ability to host events between now and the end of the 2024 fall season. Ebeling says the extended timeline is due in part to lead time for materials related to construction, including the new bleachers themselves.

Hear more about the latest in the Pella Community School District on today’s Let’s Talk Pella.