It may be a very top heavy South Central Conference girls basketball race this season. Knoxville, Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont, Clarke and Chariton bring back much of the scoring from last season. Two SCC teams are ranked preseason with EBF ranked #2 in class 2A and Clarke is preseason ranked #13 in 3A. Panthers Coach Matt Ritchhart tells KNIA/KRLS Sports the top four should be a great race to the top spot.
Ritchhart: “You would expect on paper, that Eddville, Clarke brings back both Henry girls, Chairton brings back their top 8 scorers, and Eddyville lost their guard, but they bring back the other four.”
Knoxville’s conference opener is December 1st against Cardinal ,the season opener for the Panthers is Tuesday against PCM.