Central College worked to recognize Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week on campus last week. The KNIA/KRLS Lil’ Big Red Radio was at the Maytag Student Center at Central on Friday, and 92.1 KRLS featured interviews with many individuals.
It’s currently the Season of Gratitude at Central, which is part of a wellness initiative on campus to promote the importance of helping others and to bring peace and joy to individuals. As part of the event, Central hosts an on-campus food drive in conjunction with the 22nd annual KNIA/KRLS Radio Food Drive. Director of Engagement at Central College Mary Benedict says that this food drive is a great way to impact the Pella community.
“The food drive to me is really important and to Central, we want to take care of everybody. We want to make sure that children and families who don’t have food, even students, faculty, and staff, some of them could be in the same boat and we just don’t know about it, but we thrive on making sure we take care of everybody that’s on campus and outside of campus because Pella is part of our community.”
Among the events were the annual Service Day, student development group projects, a Wellness Fair, and the KNIA/KRLS Big Red Radio Food Drive, where donations were collected in the Lil’ Big Red Radio. Central will be featured on the upcoming Food Drive Friday special edition news magazine.