
The Leighton Lions Club will be sponsoring a soup and sandwich supper on Saturday, December 9th. 

The supper will be held at the Leighton Christian Reformed Church and the menu includes chili and potato soup with grilled cheese and desserts. A free will donation will be held at the supper and all proceeds will go to Mobility Worldwide. Member of the Leighton Lions Club Chuck Bogaard says that in addition to the supper, there will be two other events going on downtown.

“We have an open house at Mobility Worldwide, where people can see how they build these wheelchairs for people that have no lower limbs, it’s just amazing. And then of course we have the nativity scene too on the other side of town, which is a whole two blocks away, and it’s something to drive past also.”

The Leighton Lions Club’s soup and sandwich supper, Mobility Worldwide WorkShop open house, and the Ebenezer Church drive by live nativity scene at 202 Otley Street will be from 5-7 pm next Saturday.