
The Pella City Council will consider two resolutions for the 2022 Sidewalk Repair Project during their regular session tonight.

The first resolution will be considering the approval of the second change order for the final quantity adjustment, while the second resolution will be for order preparation for the final plat and schedule of assessments for the project. In 2018, the Pella City Council approved a sidewalk inspection program, which divided the city into quadrants, allowing a complete sidewalk inspection every four years. The 2022 program focused on the southwest quadrant of the City. On April 4th of this year, the council approved a contract with Den Adel Concrete to conduct the repairs to defective panels. The first change order was approved on July 18th, for the purpose of adding City-owned sidewalk panels to the project. The second change order will decrease the contract for final quantity adjustments from $111,724 to $89,063. Additionally, the council will consider requests from the Marion County Express, the Des Moines Register, and the Oskaloosa Herald to be designated as the city’s official newspaper for 2024 legal publications. 

The Pella City Council meeting begins at 6 p.m. tonight in the Pella Public Safety Complex.