
A presentation regarding problem gambling prevention highlighted Monday’s Marion County providers meeting held at Marion County Public Health.

The providers meeting is held the first Monday of the month, where local health and community organizations can share updates and give out information about upcoming events. There is also a speaker at each meeting, and this month, it was Maddy Lemons with Employee and Family Resources to talk about problem gambling prevention. Lemons spoke about the dangers of gambling, statistics about gambling in Iowa, symptoms of an addiction, and how common it has become especially in sports and video games.

Gambling is also the addiction with the highest suicide rate. Marion County Public Health Nurse Judi Van Hulzen said that the message in the presentation was that gambling is ok but there is a huge danger to it as well. 

“It’s when it becomes a problem. Where you may lose $50,000 but the incentive is that you may win next time and you can pay that amount off. It’s just a vicious cycle.”

Hear more from Van Hulzen about the Marion County provider’s meeting on an upcoming Let’s Talk Knoxville.