Central College raised more than $128,645 for scholarships and other college programs through Giving Tuesday donations on November 28th.
This support for the college and its students came from 197 donors, a new high level of giving and participation. Giving Tuesday, a special day of giving to nonprofits around the globe, generated nearly $127,000 for the Journey Scholarship Fund. Central awards each new student a Journey Scholarship.
Donations to Central were doubled throughout the day by challengers who committed before Giving Tuesday and boosted its success. Challengers were Shirley Van Konynenburg Borgman ’55, Barb and Tom Gaard ’61, Rich ’62 and Mary Roorda Glendening ’62, Diane and Rick Hickman ’73, Wayne Holubetz and Julia Muyskens Ostendorf ’84, Michael Merson and Kathy Sikkema ’84, Dave ’86 and Kristi Jaarsma Balk ’88, Jeff ’87 and Kristin Sickler De Vries ’88, Aaron ’97 and Lisa Vander Wilt Shileny ’98 and Nathan ’10 and Lindsay Zylstra Nees ’11.
Central family members may still make a year-end gift to the college. Find a link to the online donation page here.