
The annual Coal Ridge Community Church Christmas carol sing will be happening Sunday at the historic church building. 

This is an opportunity to sing carols in the comfort of the church building. The evening will start at 6:00 pm and this year’s event will honor pastors who served the church in the past and special musical guests will be accompanying. There will also be Christmas goodies available after the carol sing. Friends of Coal Ridge Church Chair Mary Montgomery hopes the community comes out to this event to get in the Christmas spirit. 

“I like the nostalgia of it. It’s an old fashioned Christmas carol sing. It’s even better if there is some snow on the ground. It is just very inviting, and for me it just kicks off the Christmas season. I hope everyone will come out and enjoy this evening.”

Coal Ridge Community Church is located at 1034 Highway S71 next to Whitebreast Campground. Hear more about this event from Montgomery on today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.