Marion County Public health is recommending that citizens get the Covid-19 vaccine and influenza vaccine as statewide levels continue to stay high.
According to the most recent Iowa Respiratory Virus Surveillance Report, Influenza levels remain moderate in the State of Iowa but Covid-19 levels are in the very high range. Some important ways to protect yourself are receiving a vaccine for both influenza and Covid-19, but also remaining diligent about consistent hand washing, covering your cough, and not exposing yourself to others if you are sick. Marion County Public health Nurse Judi Van Hulzen recommends getting this done before you spend time with family for the holidays.
“With the holidays coming up we always see a surge after the holidays of these illnesses again. Make sure you get vaccinated before you go visit your family this weekend. We want to protect those who are very old, very young, and those with chronic illnesses because it can still be deadly to them.”
Iowa is currently 9% higher than normal for individuals being infected with Covid-19.