Weiler has celebrated another successful year for the company and honored employees for years of service.
During a luncheon last week, Weiler employees were recognized for years of service to the company and special recognition was given to employees who have reached certain milestones. The company gave special recognition to employees who have been with the company for 5, 10, 15, and 20 years. Employees that received recognition for 20 years with the company were Lynette Hoke and Robyn Hamilton. A complete list of employee recognition is below.
5 years
Danny Abbott, Jeremy Aldridge, Nicholas Bennett, Chip Beyer, Isiah Blubaugh, Scott Bradley, JonathonBrand, Dan Briggs, Jacob Carter, Jeffrey Carter, John Chapin, Chad Collins, Dallas Darnell, Jeffrey Davis,Wesley Deevers, Tim Drost, Kyle Felkner, Patricia Fletcher, Randall Garr, Coty Goemaat, Mike Groenendyk, Steven Harjo, Chase Higginbotham, Hunter Hildebrand, Richard Huffman, Philip Husband, Delaney Jensen, Brandon Kuiper, Jason Mason, Bernie Myers, Jordan Neer, Jason Payne, Dennis Peterson, Joeseph Pierce, Andrew Reed, Cory Remster, Carrie Rexroth, Ryan Roozeboom, Patrick Seaton, Gregory Shelford, Kyle Strong, Scott Troendle, Miles Tyler, Kate Visser, Todd Wallace, Teri Willemsen, William Williams, Chris Winiger, and Daniel Zimmerman.
5 years 2nd and 3rd shift
Pat Cranston, Michael Dietrich, Robert Greene, Michael Owrey, and Austin Kruse.
10 years
Andy Adamcik, Joel Mccullough, Tracy Pendergrass, Matthew Showers, and Chuck West.
15 years
Shae Laird
20 Years
Lynette Hoke and Robyn Hamilton
Weekend Shift 5 years
Aaron Reeves
Weekend Shift 10 years
Ramen Purcella
Photos all include Pat Weiler, Sharon Weiler, Megan (Weiler) Green, Joel Weiler, Katelyn
(Weiler) Freeseman.