Families First of Pella will be hosting Love and Logic Parenting Classes beginning later this month.
The programs are designed to make parenting less chaotic and stressful and will address morning, mealtime, and bedtime routines, arguments, chores, behavior, and more. The programs are free to local parents with children ranging in age from babies to teens, and include the sessions, a meal, and childcare. The Meet and Eat Class will be held most Tuesdays from January 30th through May 21st at the Pella Public Library Meeting Room over the noon hour. There will also be two evening class sessions, with the first focusing on children of all ages, and the second focusing on children ages birth to six years old. The first session of evening classes will be held January 15th, 29th, and February 5th, while the second session will be held on February 1st, 8th, and 15th. All six evening sessions will be held at Trinity Reformed Church in Pella from 5:30-7:45 pm.
Registration for the classes is open now and a link to register can be found here.