
Demolition is currently underway for the former Knoxville Middle School building. 

The demolition project officially got started on Monday and the contractor has set up secure fencing around the perimeter of the project so that nobody from the public gets hurt. In the middle of December, after reviewing four different bids for the demolition project ranging from $329,000 to over a million dollars, the board ultimately awarded the bid to Midwest Demolition Contractors for $329,000. Knoxville Community School District Business Manager Craig Mobley says there will be bricks available from the demolition project made available to the community.

“The contractor has agreed to salvage some bricks from the building if anyone is interested in one. They will put those on the outside of the fence, so as soon as that happens we will put some communication or an announcement out and let everyone know where those are at, so if anyone is interested in a brick they can go get one of those.”

The demolition is scheduled to be completed by April 1st, 2024 according to the contract.