
The Knoxville City Council approved changes to the intersection of Main Street and Attica Road at their meeting Monday night.

The intersection was addressed at a previous meeting due to the fact that six crashes have occurred at the intersection over the last twelve months, most of them being close together. Recently a flashing stop sign was installed at the intersection to help slow down traffic, but the council ultimately agreed that more precautions needed to be in place. The council approved the installation of an additional stop sign on the west side of the northbound approach, installation of an overhead flashing beacon warning arm over the northbound traffic of the stop ahead sign, and to reduce the speed limit to 25 mph starting at Washington Street. Knoxville City Manager Heather Ussery said that something needed to be done so the crashes don’t continue. 

“We were averaging about three a year but having six this year and all so close together it was just identifying that something was happening there. I don’t know why this year, but maybe more distracted driving possibly and not seeing those intersections. Maybe people are traveling and aren’t familiar with that intersection and not seeing that stop sign. I’m not really sure what is triggering the increase in those crashes but just those numbers that we’ve seen increase is the reason that triggered those conversations to make sure that something is being done so those don’t continue.”

Hear more from Ussery on today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.