
The Pella City Council approved three resolutions related to Pella Fiber in their regular session Tuesday night.

The first resolution that was approved from the agenda was change order number one for the construction contract with Kramer Service Group for the Pella Fiber Transport Network to IMU Fiber project. The change order reflected an extension of the completion date by 12 weeks and an increase of $105,199.79. In the agreement with IMU Fiber in Indianola, each party is responsible for 50% of the total cost for the project, meaning Pella is responsible for $52,599.90. The council also approved the construction of the Pella Fiber Transport Network to IMU Fiber and an agreement between Cedar Falls Utilities and Indianola Municipal Utilities for shared use of transport facilities. The City of Pella and Indianola Municipal Utilities had previously entered into this agreement on March 15th, 2022, and the updated agreement now adds the city of Cedar Falls Municipal Communications Utility. The initial terms for the agreement is five years, going until December 31st, 2028, and then continuing for five-year periods unless terminated by any of the parties. 

Additionally, the council discussed updated bids that show an overall increase in costs related to renovations at the Pella Community Center, cost updates related to purchase of a new aerial fire truck and how to pay for $218,000 not included in the previous budget, as well as long term ideas to fix pickleball courts at Kiwanis Park during the Policy and Planning portion of the meeting.