
The Indianola City Council met in a work session Tuesday evening, discussing the city ordinance regarding fat, oil, and grease discharge. City Manager Ben Reeves tells KNIA News the city wants to make sure there is longevity for the city sewer system by not allowing the grease runoff to go into the treatment process.

“It’s just like the arteries in your body. You take in some not so good stuff, it clogs those arteries up and creates a blockage. Well it does that to our sewer system as well, and that can create backups that go into people’s homes. So we are trying to look at ordinances that would make is so new construction would be required to put these in, and work with existing businesses to make an easy path forward to make it so their discharge will be less impactful to the community at large.”

For more information, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Indianola.