
The Knoxville American Legion Baty-Tucker Post 168 held their 2024 flag essay contest ceremony at Northstar Elementary School on Wednesday morning, and 5th grader Kaylee Figland was selected as the winner.

Every fifth grade student at Northstar was asked to submit an essay to the local American Legion about what the American Flag means to them. Ten students were selected at the ceremony as finalists for the contest, and all received their own American flag along with a certificate. Figland was selected as the contest winner and her essay will now move on to the district level. Part of Finland’s essay was highlighted by the Legion as she wrote “The American flag represents the sacrifice of the men and women who fought to protect us. We have freedom and rights that not all nations have. We need to appreciate our flag for what it stands for and represents, freedom and justice.” Figland says that winning this contest means a lot to her as most of her family have fought for our country.

“It makes me very happy because a lot of my family, my uncles, grandpas, and basically all of the men in my family have went to war.”

Hear Kaylee read her full flag contest essay on today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.