The Knoxville School Board approved $373,000 in budget cuts at their meeting Monday night, with more reductions still to be considered.
The board was presented a budget cut proposal including a list of cuts for 13 different positions totaling just over $725,000. In a 3-2 split vote, the board ultimately voted against approving the entire list, but approved the reduction of eight different positions. The areas approved to be cut were two instructional coaches to return to the classroom, not hiring a new kindergarten teacher after a retirement, reducing TLC Stipends, replacement of a counselor at West Elementary, and a few others.
Areas proposed to be cut that were not passed were the director of special education position, attrition of a high school math teacher, a Panther Academy coordinator position, a health associate, and the reduction of a registrar position. Several individuals made statements at the meeting of why certain areas should not be reduced. The budget cut committee will now go back to the drawing board to look at other areas to reach their $725,000 goal. Also at the meeting was approval of the 2024-2025 school calendar, approval of a cheer camp fundraiser, and approval of the 2024-2025 high school course catalog.