The Pella City Council will discuss the Long-Term Facilities Plan and the appointment of a City Attorney in a work session tonight.
The discussion for the Long-Term Facilities Plan comes ahead of goal setting sessions late this month and budget workshops planned in February to consider the framework of the fiscal year 2024-25 budget. The intention of the discussion is to provide updates to funding proposals for a potential indoor recreation facility, associated infrastructure, and renovations to the Pella Community Center. The council will also discuss an economic impact study, which includes estimates for how much construction and operation of the facility could benefit the city and Marion County. Ultimately, city administration is seeking direction as it relates to final funding requirements and evaluation of pledges and payment plans to ensure money is available for any of the projects.
The council will also discuss the appointment of a city attorney for calendar years 2024 and 2025. Kristine Stone with the Ahlers & Cooney firm has served as Pella’s Attorney since 2018. The city uses Ahlers & Cooney for bond counsel, economic development matters, human resources, and utility issues. To stay within the city’s budgetary resources, city administration is seeking direction on the appointment of Emily Duffy with Ahlers & Cooney as the city’s attorney.
The Pella City Council’s special meeting begins at 6:00 pm tonight in the Pella Public Safety Complex.