
Joe Cunningham is seeking the Republican nomination for Marion County Board of Supervisors.

Cunningham, a longtime resident of Knoxville, has a background in finance, and has his own financial firm in Knoxville. Over his life in Knoxville, Cunningham has been involved in many different organizations, and gives back to the community in any way he can. Cunningham states that he is proud of his community, and wants to be able to help continue the growth and momentum of the county. After considering a run for supervisors two years ago, Cunningham believes that now is his time to step up as he says he has a heart to serve. Cunningham believes with his background, experience, knowledge of the community, and the desire to lead Marion County on a continued path of growth, this role is right for him. 

“I’m a huge believer in Marion County and what’s going on right now, what’s been going on, and what I think will go on in the next 10-15 years. We have such tremendous industry and so many job opportunities. We’re pretty unique for a county our size. With the new housing developments coming and the steps that have been taken, I expect the county to grow quite a bit. My education is in economics and finance. I want to help. It’s that simple. I want to be involved and I want to help.”

The Marion County Board of Supervisors is made up of three members with Mark Raymie, Kisha Jahner, and Steve McCombs currently serving on the board.