The Knoxville chapter of Freedom for Youth is expanding into their own entity due to continued growth and a large number of kids.
The Knoxville Freedom for Youth’s goal since they first came to Knoxville under their parent company based out of Des Moines, was to eventually expand to their own organization. The free K-12 after school programming that holds five programs a week, is now serving 80 kids in the community on a weekly basis. Along with the weekly programming, the ministry that has four core values of faith, leadership, education, and employment also holds several other programs and activities on top of their normal week to week programs. Freedom for Youth also provides a free meal available each night of programming.
With the continued growth of the program and a waiting list for three of their five programs, the ministry knew it was time to break off and become their own ministry. The current Freedom for Youth building located on the Knoxville square is no longer big enough to be able to hold their program, so the ministry is now in the process of looking to purchase property big enough to move their organization to. Freedom for Youth is also looking to secure enough funding to make sure they meet financial requirements and fill the funding gap to become their own entity. To do that, the ministry is hoping to receive monthly $100 donations from at least 25 people and are looking for any person or organization who wants to come alongside them financially. On top of that, the ministry is also in the process of seeking out advisory board members to help them through this transition and eventually serve on the board of directors. Knoxville Freedom for Youth Community Development Coordinator Angie Gentry says they hope to help prepare kids to be a part of the continued growth in the community.
“Freedom for Youth offers a place for youth to work on those four pillars, to really build relationships, be able to increase their mental health, and be able to prepare for employment in our county. The idea is that our country is growing and we want to do our part to help it grow successfully because our kids are the future of the county.”
If you would like to partner with Freedom for Youth financially or are interested in being on their board of directors you can email Angie at agentry@freedomforyouth.org.