The Knoxville School Board approved the 2024-2025 school calendar at their meeting Monday night.
The calendar for next school year will be similar to the current school year calendar, but includes several minor changes. The first day of school will be August 26th and the last day of school is scheduled for May 22nd. The final day of the first semester will be December 20th with students returning from winter break on January 2nd. Knoxville Community School District Superintendent Cassi Pearson says she thought it was best for students to start the school year on a Monday.
“Because Iowa law requires schools to start on August 23rd or after. The 23rd this year falls on a Friday, so we have decided for our schools here in Knoxville we’re going to be starting with students on August 26th which is a Monday.”
Knoxville students will have early outs the first two days of the school year.