The Pella City Council will review a proposed contract for the purchase of an aerial fire truck for the Pella Fire Department at their meeting Tuesday. Fire Chief Randy Bogaard says their current engine will reach its recommended 30 year replacement timeframe by 2028, and the city currently has $1.85 million budgeted for that purchase.
However, significant lead time, an increase in cost, and other factors may incentivize council to establish a contract now with Pierce Manufacturing. He says the timeline is being expedited due to recent repairs to the vehicle.
The fire engine manufacturer has informed those who intend to sign contracts that there is up to a two–to-four year lead time from contract signing to delivery. Additionally, the Pella Fire Department negotiated with Reliant Fire Apparatus for $292,570 of additions.
Bogaard says there’s also a looming deadline at the end of this month for potential price increases, which has complicated the timeline further. Bogaard says they are thankful of the support of the council with equipment needs over the years.
For the council, part of the final cost may have long term implications on the debt service levy for the city, which would increase by 30 cents — that does not, however, mean that property taxes would necessarily increase. That will ultimately be discussed during budget workshops to be scheduled in February.