
The Indianola School Board tabled a proposal regarding make-up hours due to lost education time from winter weather. Superintendent Ted Ihns tells KNIA News proposal included the last day of school be moved from May 30th to May 31st, including a full day on the 30th and an hour early dismissal on the 31st, and any additional time lost would require adding additional educational hours to the calendar. Ihns said the board wanted to look for other opportunities to fill in the additional hours that were lost.

“One of the pieces brought up by the board was no longer having the early out Wednesdays, that would incorporate 12 hours worth of time that we could make up. Also there is a professional development day on April 1st that they wanted me to explore to look at to see if that is a place instead of having the pd day. But that’s a lot of pieces of we really value the professional learning opportunity for our staff, they can get together and look at student work, collaborate, and do those things. So it’s kind of a double-edged sword of what that looks like. The last piece is adding more days on to the school year, and do we go into June. All those options are on the table right now.”

To learn more, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Indianola.