Knoxville Little League is looking for sponsors ahead of their 2024 season, with the deadline coming Tuesday.
The league is seeking businesses or organizations willing to come alongside them financially to help with sponsorship. There are six different sponsorship options available ranging from $100-$700. Options include different styles of fence banners, along with an option to be a team t-shirt sponsor. All team t-shirt sponsors will have their logo printed on the back of their team’s jersey and will receive a team photo plaque. Knoxville Little League is also in need of volunteers for all positions ahead of the 2024 season. Little league president Jared McRoberts said the league wouldn’t happen without the support of the community.
“The volunteers are what makes little league happen. Without volunteers we wouldn’t have a little league. The kids wouldn’t be able to play the sport. They wouldn’t be able to be a part of a team. It’s important to have the help of the community to make this happen.”
If you are interested in sponsoring the Knoxville Little League or volunteering, email knoxvilleiowalittlelegue@gmail.com.