
The 2024-2025 school calendar at Pleasantville Community Schools was approved by the school board at their meeting in January.

Pleasantville Superintendent Tony Aylsworth said that the upcoming school year will begin the last week of August, and added that the district has built in inclement weather days to the calendar to ensure the year ends before Memorial Day.

“Monday, August 26th will be our first day of school. Pleasantville is always intentional about building some extra days of school into our calendar, so that when we have inclement weather days generally in January, February, or March, that we don’t end up having to tack extra days on or modify our calendar. So, we did that again this year. The date for the last day of school is scheduled to be May 21st next year. Pleasantville has a little bit longer school day than most area schools around us, but that allows us to start after the fair, and then generally be done with school by the time Memorial Day hits.”

Hear more from Tony Aylsworth on today’s In Touch with South Central Iowa.