
The Pella Christian Grade School and High School Boards of Trustees announced the merger of the schools into a unified Pella Christian Schools district as voted on by society members. Voting for the integration of the school boards concluded Tuesday evening, after a total of 2,095 votes were cast between the two societies. A 2/3rds majority of the votes for both societies was needed to complete the merger. 95% of the grade school ballots voted in favor of the motion, while 91% of the high school ballots voted to approve the merger. 

Statement about the approved merger from Pella Christian Head of Schools Dan Zylstra:

“We are grateful to God for guiding us through this process and helping us discern the most sustainable path forward to continue providing Christian Education in South Central Iowa. Thank you also to our society members for showing up and voting. We are thankful for the strong support displayed in this vote.”