The City of Indianola is holding an open house next week for the public to review the Parks and Open Spaces Master Plan, a planning document regarding the plans for expansion and creation of parks as the city continues to grow.
City Manager Ben Reeves tells KNIA News the plan was the result of a lot of hard work and community feedback, and is a living document– not an exact plan of where parks will be located.
“Whenever you have a conceptual plan, we might share that we need a park in this area and we might even put a star on the map. A lot of times people think that is the parcel it is going to be on. Very rarely have we ever met with that parcel owner, and it might be on the parcel 100 feet down the road or a half mile the other direction. This is just a high-level document saying this is the general area we want to have one, and we don’t want to step on people’s property rights by applying it anyway that this parcel is where it is going to be. It is just a general document.”
The open house is on March 6th from 5-7pm at the Indianola Activity Center.