
Work on the South K Street Paving Project will begin soon, with the city hoping to complete the effort this construction season rather than extending it to the next, which would significantly raise costs. City Manager Ben Reeves tells KNIA News the city is working on obtaining right-of-way easements with property owners, and the whole project has been a model for discourse on trying to best serve the community while lowering the impact on local property owners.

“This has been a great project for the city when it comes to listening to the public and trying to move forward in such a way that we are addressing the public’s needs. So the city has already gone through a process that scales the project back to a rural collector standard which is going to save a lot of money but it required that we redesign the project over the winter months. We went through a new assessment process, which of course lowered the assessments on the property owners affected.”

Reeves also said the city will be trying to quickly move forward with obtaining the right-of-way to begin the project on an ideal timeline. Hear the full interview below.