The Pella City Council will hold two budget workshops near the end of the month as several key initiatives form on the horizon in the upcoming fiscal year. The meetings are scheduled currently for Monday, March 25th and Tuesday, March 26th at 6:00 each evening in the Pella Public Safety Complex.
Extensive discussion will be held each evening about priorities for the City of Pella in the coming year, with presentations by each city department leader to discuss their capital projects and key improvement plans over the next five years.
The work sessions will come ahead of a public hearing on April 2nd at noon to establish a maximum tax levy rate for the city in 2024. The council is considering an increase to $11.30 per $1000 of valuation, to cover a wide range of public improvements and a growing deficit in Pella Community Ambulance service.
The following projects could be considered:
• Soccer Complex
• Southside Beautification
• 215 Main St. renovation
• Demolition of former Second Christian Church
• Phase I of University St. extension
• Library HVAC repairs
• Police radio upgrades
• New ambulance
Additionally, the council will also have additional discussion about a potential new indoor recreation center and renovations to the Pella Community Center as part of a larger conversation about long term facilities plans.