
The Indiana Township Fire Department recognized Brett Nace and Nicole Del Re as their firefighter and EMS providers of 2023 this weekend.

The two individuals were selected for the honors by their peers, who cited their hard work and dedication to the department last year. Both Nicole and Brett said that it was humbling to be selected for the awards, but added that their recognitions wouldn’t have been possible without the rest of the department.

Nicole: “I would not be the EMT or care provider that I am without my team. I have an incredible support group and everybody in the Indiana Township Fire Department is probably the most loving family in the world. The minute you need something, they’re there helping you, no matter the time of day. ”

Brett: “It’s a huge honor to me, like I’ve said, we’ve all done our fair share of extra work on everything and it still surprises me that they voted for me on this. Everyone’s been up there at 2 am doing something or 12:30 at night after working all day, and it’s just a huge honor.”

Hear more about the honors from Brett and Nicole on today’s In Touch with South Central Iowa.